Asino Foundation for Oncological Neurosurgery

Our history

The ASINO Foundation was established in 2018 by Fabrizio Carretti, with the aim of supporting Neurosurgical Oncology training and research in Italy.

The idea supported by the foundation established by Fabrizio Carretti is to provide young neurosurgeons with structured training programs, backed by effective and innovative tools, in order to develop professionals who are increasingly prepared and competitive on an international level.


The founder


Fabrizio was born in Bologna, graduated in Economics from Bocconi University in Milan with top marks, started working in finance in London for Lehman Brothers and landed in the world of Private Equity with Permira, where he successfully led the re-launch of many Italian and international companies such as Valentino, Hugo Boss, Sisal, Arcaplanet, just to name a few.


Fabrizio was always a dedicated and generous professional, even beyond his work environment. In the world of finance, he was known for his human touch and his ability to bring out the best in people and companies that were fortunate enough to work with him. When he was diagnosed with a tumor, Fabrizio made himself available to the medical team that treated him and personally committed himself to supporting research in the field of neuroscience for the benefit of all, starting with the doctors who often lack the tools they need for research and to complete their training in Neuroscience.

ASINO was born this way, the acronym is the synthesis of the spirit of its founder, who knew how to combine humility, professionalism and irony even when faced with very serious issues such as the study of neuroscience. Fabrizio was light, fast, warm, sunny.


Fabrizio understood that one must step up, set an example, do your best. So he did it,he put himself on the line, he set the course, he tested on his own skin and wanted this foundation that supports neurosurgical oncology. Fabrizio was curious, he believed in science but above all he believed in people, gave them confidence, was a team player and knew how to combine and bring together different talents. Fabrizio was intelligent and ironic, he saw the comic side of serious things, which is why a very serious foundation with an important project, such as this one, has been named ASINO (donkey), an acronym for Associazione Italiana Neurochirurgia Oncologica. Dear Fabrizio, we will try to make your initiative as big as you are.

Sara Bennewitz

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